Working with Governments
We serve Governments and Businesses at every level of their capacity, whether as a trusted advisor to top management or as a hands-on coach for front line employees.
Our Corporation consists of E-link™ International Supply Chain Ltd., SM Consulting Ltd. & E-Link™ Supply UK Ltd.
Alti Mariani and Yulin Zhou are responsible for overall corporate performance and business success.
We work with governments, parliaments, civil society organizations, academics and the public across Europe and internationally. It's impossible to anticipate the true value of an unexpected new perspective; but at E-link™ Supply, we believe there is unlimited value in accepting the potential of the perspective.
That's why we help Governments and corporates all over the world to look at things in a different way — to see the unseen, to look again at the ignored and to explore the unlit and disconcerting areas.
Government contracting rules, regulations and procedures dictate how you do business with the government.
Our implementation specialists work directly with governments over long periods to help develop workforce skills, drive operational improvement, and apply new working methods.
In reality, there are many similarities in selling your products or services to commercial customers and selling them to the federal government—the same basic business principles and strategies generally apply. Both want a quality product or service at a reasonable price, delivered on time. And in both cases, you need to know your customers' needs, how they buy and who buys what. You need to do your market research and whether it is a commercial customer or a buying agency of the federal government, you need to arrange face-to-face meetings so you can better clarify what they want and so they can better understand what your company can do to help them.
However, although the approach to the commercial and government market is similar, the procedures and rules of doing business in the government arena are different—and if these differences are not understood, it is here that problem can occur.
However, all of these problems can be minimized if you take the time to gain some basic knowledge of these procedures and rules and to learn how the process works. (Note that we said "minimized," not "avoided," because Murphy's Law is always out there waiting to challenge your commitment to the task.
If You want to go Fast go Alone, if You want to go Far go Together.